Zirconia Dental Materials - Market Status and Future Development Trends - CeraDirect

In 2022, the global oxidation dental market sales reached US $ 240 million, and it is expected to reach US $ 390 million in 2029, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.6%(2023-2029). At the regional level, the Chinese market has changed rapidly in the past few years. In 2022, the market size is one million US dollars, accounting for about %of the world. It is expected to reach one million US dollars in 2029, and the global proportion will reach %by then.

The core manufacturers of Zirconia Dental Materials include UPCERA Dental, Edite and Dentsply Sirona. The world's top three manufacturers account for about 61%. Global production is mainly distributed in North America, Europe, China, Japan and South Korea. In terms of product types, oxidative dental dishes are the biggest segment, accounting for about 93%of the share. At the same time, in terms of application, tooth inlaid is the largest downstream field, accounting for about 30%.

2023-2029 The current status and future development trend of the market and China's oxidation dental material market

This report studies the production capacity, output, sales, sales, price and future trends of oxidative dental materials around the world and the Chinese market. Focus on analysis of the product characteristics, product specifications, prices, sales, sales revenue, and market share of major manufacturers in the global and Chinese markets in the global and Chinese markets. Historical data is from 2018 to 2022, and the forecast data is from 2023 to 2029.

1 Overview of oxidized dental material market

1.1 Product definition and statistical scope

1.2 According to different product types, oxidized dental materials can be divided into several categories in the following

1.2.1 Global different product types of types of oxidized dental materials sales growth trend 2018 VS 2022 vs 2029

1.2.2 oxidation zirconia

1.2.3 oxide porcelain pieces

1.3 From different applications, the oxidation dental materials mainly include the following aspects

1.3.1 Global Different Application of Oxidation Dental Materials Sales Growth Trends 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029

1.3.2 Tooth inlaid

1.3.3 crown

1.3.4 tooth bridge

1.3.5 fake teeth

1.4 Background, development history, status and trend of oxidation dental materials industry

1.4.1 Analysis of the current status of oxidation dental materials industry

1.4.2 The development trend of oxidation dental materials

2 Analysis of the overall scale of global oxidation dental materials

2.1 The current status of supply and demand and forecast of global oxidation dental materials (2018-2029)

2.1.1 Global oxidation dental material production capacity, output, capacity utilization rate and development trend (2018-2029)

2.1.2 Global oxidation of dental production, demand and development trend (2018-2029)

2.2 Global major regions of oxidation dental materials and development trends (2018-2029)

2.2.1 Oxidation of dental materials in major regions of the world (2018-2023)

2.2.2 The output of oxidation dental materials in major regions of the world (2024-2029)

2.2.3 Market share of oxidation dental materials in major regions worldwide (2018-2029)

2.3 The current status and forecast of the supply and demand of Chinese oxidation dental materials (2018-2029)

2.3.1 China's oxidation of dental material production capacity, output, capacity utilization rate and development trend (2018-2029)

2.3.2 China's oxidation of dental material output, market demand and development trend (2018-2029)

2.4 Sales and sales of global oxidative dental materials

2.4.1 Global market oxidation dental material sales (2018-2029)

2.4.2 Global market oxidation dental material sales (2018-2029)

2.4.3 Global market oxidation dental material price trend (2018-2029)

3 Analysis of market share of major manufacturers in China and China

3.1 Global market major manufacturers of oxidation dental materials production capacity market share

3.2 Global market major manufacturers of oxidation dental materials (2018-2023)

3.2.1 Global market major manufacturers of oxidation dental materials (2018-2023)

3.2.2 Global market major manufacturers' oxidation dental material sales revenue (2018-2023)

3.2.3 Sales price of oxidation dental materials in the global market (2018-2023)

3.2.4 2022 Global major manufacturers of major producers oxidation dental materials revenue ranking

3.3 Main manufacturers of Chinese markets oxidized dental materials (2018-2023)

3.3.1 Main manufacturers of Chinese markets oxidize dental materials (2018-2023)

3.3.2 The sales revenue of the main manufacturers of Chinese market oxidation dental materials (2018-2023)

3.3.3 2022 China's main producers of oxidation dental materials revenue ranking

3.3.4 Main manufacturers in the Chinese market to oxidize dental dental materials (2018-2023)

3.4 Global major manufacturers of oxidation dental materials and distribution of origin

3.5 Establishment time of major manufacturers in the world and the commercialization date of oxidation dental materials

3.6 Global major manufacturers oxidize dental materials products type and application

3.7 Analysis of the concentration and competition of oxidation dental materials industry

3.7.1 Analysis of the concentration of oxidation dental materials industry: 2022 global TOP 5 manufacturer market share

3.7.2 Global oxidation dental material first echelon, second echelon and third echelon manufacturer (brand) and market share

3.8 New investment and market mergers and acquisitions activities

4 Analysis of the main region of global oxidation dental materials

4.1 Analysis of market scale analysis of oxidation dental materials in major regions in the world: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029

4.1.1 The sales revenue and market share of oxidation dental materials in major regions in the world (2018-2023)

4.1.2 Forecast of sales revenue of oxidation dental materials in major regions worldwide (2024-2029)

4.2 Analysis of the sales volume of oxidation dental materials in major regions worldwide: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029

4.2.1 Global major regions of oxidation dental materials and market share (2018-2023)

4.2.2 Forecast of sales and market share in major regions of the world (2024-2029)

4.3 The sales, income and growth rate of oxidation of dental materials in the North American market (2018-2029)

4.4 European market oxidation of dental materials sales, income and growth rate (2018-2029)

4.5 The sales, income and growth rate of oxidized dental materials in the Chinese market (2018-2029)

4.6 The sales, income and growth rate of oxidized dental materials in the Japanese market (2018-2029)

4.7 The sales, income and growth rate of oxidized dental materials in the Korean market (2018-2029)

5 Analysis of the main producer of global oxidation dental materials

5.1 Ivoclar vivadent

5.1.1 Ivoclar Vivadent basic information, production base of oxidation dental materials, sales areas, competitors and market positions

5.1.2 Ivoclar Vivadent oxidize dental material product specifications, parameters and market applications

5.1.3 Ivoclar Vivadent oxidation of dental materials sales, income, price and gross profit margin (2018-2023)

5.1.4 Ivoclar Vivadent profile and main business

5.1.5 Ivoclar Vivadent Enterprise Latest News

5.2 Dentsply Sirona

5.2.1 DENTSPLY SIRONA basic information, production base of oxidized dental materials, sales areas, competitors and market positions

5.2.2 DENTSPLY SIRONA oxidation dental material product specifications, parameters and market applications

5.2.3 DENTSPLY SIRONA oxidation dental material sales, income, price and gross profit margin (2018-2023)

5.2.4 DENTSPLY SIINA Introduction and main business

5.2.5 DENTSPLY SIRONA Enterprise Latest News

5.3 Dental Direkt

5.3.1 basic information of Dental Direkt, production base of oxidation dental materials, sales areas, competitors and market status

5.3.2 Dental Direkt oxidize dental material product specifications, parameters and market applications

5.3.3 Dental Direkt oxidize dental material sales, income, price and gross profit margin (2018-2023)

5.3.4 Dental Direkt profile and main business

5.3.5 Dental Direkt Enterprise Latest News

5.4 3M ESPE

5.4.1 3M ESPE basic information, oxidation dental material production base, sales area, competitors and market position

5.4.2 3M ESPE oxidation dental material product specifications, parameters and market applications

5.4.3 3M ESPE oxidation dental material sales, income, price and gross profit margin (2018-2023)

5.4.4 3M ESPE Company profile and main business

5.4.5 3M ESPE Enterprise Latest News

5.5 Zirkonzahn

5.5.1 basic information of Zirkonzahn, production base of oxidation dental materials, sales areas, competitors and market status

5.5.2 Zirkonzahn oxidation dental material product specifications, parameters and market applications

5.5.3 Zirkonzahn oxidize dental dental material sales, income, price and gross profit margin (2018-2023)

5.5.4 Zirkonzahn profile and main business

5.5.5 Zirkonzahn Enterprise Latest News

5.6 Kuraray Noritake Dental

5.6.1 Kuraray Noritake Dental basic information, production base, sales area, competitors and market status

5.6.2 KURARAY NORITAKE DENTAL oxidized dental material product specifications, parameters and market applications

5.6.3 Kuraray Noritake Dental oxidize the sales of dental dental materials, income, price and gross profit margin (2018-2023)

5.6.4 KURARAY NORITAKE DENTAL profile and main business

5.6.5 Kuraray Noritake Dental Enterprise's latest dynamics

5.7 GC

5.7.1 GC basic information, oxidation dental material production base, sales area, competitors and market position

5.7.2 GC oxidation dental material product specifications, parameters and market applications

5.7.3 GC oxidation dental material sales, income, price and gross profit margin (2018-2023)

5.7.4 Introduction to GC Company and the main business

5.7.5 GC company latest developments

5.8 DMAX

5.8.1 basic information of DMAX, oxidation dental material production base, sales area, competitors and market status

5.8.2 DMAX oxidation dental material product specifications, parameters and market applications

5.8.3 DMAX oxidation dental material sales, income, price and gross profit margin (2018-2023)

5.8.4 DMAX company profile and main business

5.8.5 DMAX Enterprise Latest News

5.9 DOceram

5.9.1 Basic information of DOCERAM, oxidation dental material production base, sales area, competitors and market position

5.9.2 DOCERAM oxidation dental material product specifications, parameters and market applications

5.9.3 DOCERAM oxidative dental material sales, income, price and gross profit margin (2018-2023)

5.9.4 Dorceram profile and main business

5.9.5 Docram Enterprise Latest News

5.10 Cradirect

5.10.1 Cradirect basic information, oxidation dental material production base, sales area, competitors and market position

5.10.2 Ceradirect oxidize dental material product specifications, parameters and market applications

5.10.3 Ceradirect oxidize dental material sales, income, price and gross profit margin (2018-2023)

5.10.4 Introduction and main business of Ceradirect


5.10.5 Ceradirect Enterprise Latest News


5.11.1 Wissden basic information, oxidation dental material production base, sales area, competitors and market position

5.11.2 WISSDEN oxidation dental material product specifications, parameters and market applications

5.11.3 WISSDEN oxidative dental material sales, income, price and gross profit margin (2018-2023)

5.11.4 Introduction to Wissden Company and the main business

5.11.5 Wissden Enterprise Latest News

5.12 Beautyzir

5.12.1 BEAUTYZIR basic information, production base of oxidation dental materials, sales areas, competitors and market status

5.12.2 Beautyzir oxidation dental material product specifications, parameters and market applications

5.12.3 Beautyzir oxidize dental dental material sales, income, price and gross profit margin (2018-2023)

5.12.4 Beautyzir profile and main business

5.12.5 Beautyzir Enterprise Latest News

5.13 Aidite

5.13.1 Aidite basic information, oxidation dental material production base, sales area, competitors and market position

5.13.2 Aidite oxidation dental material product specifications, parameters and market applications

5.13.3 Aidite oxidation of dental material sales, income, price and gross profit margin (2018-2023)

5.13.4 Introduction and main business of Aidite Company

5.13.5 Aidite Enterprise Latest News

5.14 National Porcelain Material

5.14.1 Basic information of national porcelain materials, production bases for oxidation dental materials, sales areas, competitors and market positions

5.14.2 National porcelain material oxidation dental material product specifications, parameters and market applications

5.14.3 National porcelain material oxidation of dental sales, income, price and gross profit margin (2018-2023)

5.14.4 Introduction and main business of the National Porcelain Material Company

5.14.5 The latest developments of Guo Porcelain Materials Enterprises

5.15 Chengdu Bei Shimei Biotechnology

5.15.1 Basic Information of Betami Biotechnology, Biomedi Biotechnology, Oxidation Dental Material Production Base, Sales Area, Competitors and Market Status

5.15.2 Chengdu Bei Shimei Biotechnology oxidize dental product specifications, parameters and market applications

5.15.3 Chengdu Bei Shimei Biotechnology oxidize dental material sales, income, price and gross profit margin (2018-2023)

5.15.4 Introduction to Chengdu Bei Shimei Biotechnology Company and the main business

5.15.5 The latest developments

5.16 Upcera Dental

5.16.1 Basic information of Upcera Dental, production base of oxidation dental materials, sales areas, competitors and market status

5.16.2 Upcera Dental oxidize dental material product specifications, parameters and market applications

5.16.3 Upcera Dental oxidize dental material sales, income, price and gross profit margin (2018-2023)

5.16.4 Upcera Dental profile and main business

5.16.5 Upcera Dental Enterprise Latest News

6 Analysis of different products type oxidation of dental materials

6.1 Global different product types of oxidized dental materials (2018-2029)

6.1.1 Global different product types of dental dental materials and market share (2018-2023)

6.1.2 Global different products types of different products oxidize dental materials forecast (2024-2029)

6.2 Global different product types of different products oxidation dental materials (2018-2029)

6.2.1 Global different product types of oxidation dental materials and market share (2018-2023)

6.2.2 Global different products types of different products oxidized dental materials revenue forecast (2024-2029)

6.3 Global different product types of oxidation dental materials price trend (2018-2029)

7 Analysis of different applications of oxide dental materials

7.1 Global Different Application of Dental Dental Materials Sales (2018-2029)

7.1.1 Global different applications and market share of oxidation dental materials (2018-2023)

7.1.2 Global Different Application of Oxidation Dental Materials Sales Forecast (2024-2029)

7.2 Global Different Application of Dental Dental Materials Revenue (2018-2029)

7.2.1 Global Different Application of Dental Dental Materials Revenue and Market share (2018-2023)

7.2.2 Global Different Application of Oxidation Dental Materials Revenue Forecast (2024-2029)

7.3 Global Different Application of Dental Dental Materials Price Trends (2018-2029)

8 upstream raw materials and downstream market analysis

8.1 Analysis of Oxidation Dental Material Industry Chain

8.2 Analysis of the upstream supply of oxidation dental materials industry

8.2.1 Upstream raw material supply status

8.2.2 Raw material supplier and contact information

8.3 Typical customers of the downstream of oxidized dental materials

8.4 Analysis of the sales channel of oxidation dental materials

9 Industry development opportunities and risk analysis

9.1 Opportunities and main driving factors of oxidation dental materials industry

9.2 Risks facing the development of the dental materials industry

9.3 Analysis of the policy of oxidation dental materials industry

9.4 Analysis of SWOT analysis of Chinese companies

10 Research results and conclusions

Industry reporting research through long -term tracking and monitoring of specific industries, analyzing the content of industry demand, supply side, operating characteristics, profitability, industrial chain and business models, integrate the industry, market, enterprise, channels, users and other levels Information resources, provide customers with in -depth industry market research reports, comprehensively and objectively analyze the overall market capacity, competition pattern, segmentation data, import and export and market demand characteristics of the overall market development of the industry, conduct in -depth research on industry key enterprises, carry out production and sales Operation analysis, and based on the development trajectory and practical experience of various industries, make objective predictions on the future development trend of the industry. The trend of the exhibition makes objective predictions.