Why do dentists recommend that you make full porcelain teeth? - CeraDirect

First, why do dentists call it as a comprehensive porcelain tooth?

Having a neat and beautiful teeth is one of the top ten health of modern people, one of the symbols of status and status, and one of the performances of a noble quality life. For a long time, porcelain teeth have always been a fast and effective repair. A method of teeth, but the metal ions of the metal porcelain teeth will cause adverse reactions to the human body, such as black gums, gum bleeding atrophy, etc. Due to the existence of metal inner crown, transmittance, color, and natural teeth There is a large difference, and the blue -gray effect will be produced under the light. At the same time, metal porcelain teeth are unstable under the action of liquid oral acid -alkali environmental bacteria. Patients have certain interference in metal when they do CT nuclear magnetic resonance. Therefore, the oral medical community has been working hard to change this state. The latest metal -free porcelain teeth — oxidation all -porcelain series.

Note: Figure 1 Metal porcelain teeth

Is it safe to oxidize?

The oxidation of medical and dental oxidation performed very well in terms of biological safety. Over the years, a large number of experiments and clinical cases have proven to have non -toxic damage to bone and soft tissue cells. No allergies reported.

  1. Patients are worried about whether the oxide is radioactivity. In fact, the vermiculite of the sources of oxide needs to be purified, powder processing, and other steps. The processing process will remove all impurities. The State Administration of Food and Drug Administration has strict standards for all ceramic materials listed on the market. Only after meeting the requirements of radioactive experiments can it be used as medical materials. Moreover, not only does it require oxidation, but also has the same radioactive qualification requirements for porcelain, alumina, glass ceramics, etc. Experiments have shown that pure oxidation powder is not only less radioactive than glass ceramics, but also lower than human bone tissue.
  2. Oxidation is sometimes mistaken for metal. This is a chemical concept that confuses metal elements and metals. Oxidation is not metal or vermiculite. Although it contains metal elements, it is oxide ceramics. This is like the difference between sodium chloride (chemical ingredients of salt) and sodium metal.

Third, is the porcelain rate of oxidation and repairs high?

A large number of studies have shown that the incidence of collapsed porcelain in oxidation is not higher than that of traditional porcelain repair. Studies have found that the oxidized collapse porcelain mainly occurs in the interface of the porcelain instead of the porcelain and the oxide base. There are three main reasons for the occurrence of collapse porcelain:

  1. Poor design of the bottom crown, and the local surface is too thick;
  2. Do not control the temperature when the porcelain sintering, such as fast cooling;
  3. Doctors do not make reasonable treatment after the jaw adjustment, such as glazed sintering, or standard three -step polishing ... This is a necessary step.
  4. Does the mandibular impact on the repair of oxidation? How to avoid?

After the mandibular tone, it will cause damage to the surface of the porcelain, and it must be processed by follow -up, such as sintering or polishing. However, a large amount of grinding will greatly affect the strength of the repair body and may cause breaks. If the repair physical production is improper, it is recommended to reuse the precision seal. Such as a small amount of oxidation. It has a small impact on intensity under sufficient water cooling. However, if the polishing area is too large, it will definitely cause a decrease in strength. If you want to adjust the inner crown, the risk needs to communicate with the technician.

  1. Will the full oxidation cause excessive wear to the jaw tooth?

For patients with tight bite and insufficient dental space, the entire oxidation and repair body is a good choice. If you are worried that you will cause excessive wear to the jaw tooth, it is not necessary because the abrasion performance of the oxidation depends on the surface on the surface Smooth rather than hardness. Therefore, after the entire oxidation body repair the body is polished or glazed, it will not cause excessive wear of the jaw tooth. Please see it at the technician or polished itself after the grinding.

  1. What should I pay attention to when the oxide adhesion? How is it different from other whole porcelain?

The oxidation bonding is relatively simple than glass ceramics. Because of its good strength, the choice of adhesives is very extensive. There is no need for a doctor for surface treatment before adhesion. The combination of activity genes with ions can obtain chemical combination. There are also a variety of color options.

★ The characteristics of oxidation

  1. Features
  2. The color is very similar to the color of the natural teeth. It has a high degree of aesthetic effect, excellent light transmission, and is more suitable for use in high -quality requirements.
  3. There is no metal odor in the oral cavity. It does not corrode, and does not stimulate the pulp nerves because of the alternation of cold and cold. The excellent biocompatibility is durable. Can withstand high -intensity bite, prevent cracking, and sturdy durability. Solved the problem of blue, black lines and discoloration problems with metal porcelain.
  4. During the MRI examination, the non -metal oxidation is not blocked by the X -ray. There is no need to remove the dental dentures during the MRI inspection, which saves a lot of trouble.
  5. Indications
  6. Oxidized porcelain teeth:

Beauty teeth, severe tetracycline teeth, fluoroplastic, deformity teeth, color -changing teeth, etc. ... people with metal or plastic allergies can make front and rear tooth crowns and connecting bridges.

  1. Zirconia Crown:

Night -molar case


Implant case

Other cases of easy to collapse porcelain ...

Third, the requirements for preparing base teeth:

  1. Aterior teeth: Dispel about 2.0 mm, remove about 1.5 mm on the side of the tongue to prepare 360 degrees, about 1 mm wide, and axial jaw angle 2 degrees-5 degrees;
  2. Hami: Mattillofacial grinding is about 2.0 mm (the working side is 2.0 mm, the non -working side is about 1.5 mm), the cheeks and tongue side grinding 1.5 mm to prepare 360 degrees, a width of about 1.0 mm, a shaxed maxor angle 2 2 Degree-5 degrees;
  3. Monopoly: The key to preparing the part of the enamel part is that there must be a transitional step at the edge of the tongue side, and the edge of the steps is not in the wear area of the bite jaw. The surface of the surface is about 1.2--1.5 mm.

Fourth, the precautions of oxidation zirconia in clinical promotion:

  1. The base teeth are short, and the base teeth are sharp and unsuitable.
  2. Insufficient space (insufficient connection point strength) is not suitable
  3. Single inverted concave and bridge inverted concave cannot be done.
  4. It is recommended that doctors take gums and use silicone rubber to remove molds.

It is recommended that doctors use 16 colors. (Especially the total 16 color ratio is used, otherwise it will cause the color difference)

Oral-Dr. Li

Delling Swan Pass Hospital